Friday, April 17, 2015

Late Night Deep Thoughts

As I'm sitting here writing a letter to our judge in L's case, I started thinking. Ok, I'll admit, I was also doing my usual bio-fam social media stalking ;) Can't help it. I always find something juicy.


This week in our women's Bible study at church, we read about this woman in 2 Samuel 20:15-22. We don't know her name, we don't know her social status or any of her "good deeds" aside from the one mentioned in this passage; we don't know what kind of clothes she wore or what her favorite handbag was....all we know about her is that she is referred to as "one wise woman". She took it upon herself to intervene in her city being destroyed due to someone who was messing with King David being inside her city walls. Her approach was wise, and people listened to her.

A few things I can't get out of my head.
1) We don't know her name. She saved hundreds (or more) lives, saved Joab from destroying innocent people, and preserved a religious heritage (v 19). And we don't even know her name! If a woman like this, a wise woman, doesn't get her name recognized then who am I to crave receiving credit for anything I do?! I mean, I know doing things for such a selfish reason as getting credit or recognition is wrong, but let's face it: we all, to some degree, like the attention. It can come from one person simply recognizing what we did and praising us for it, or it can be a very public form of praise. In any case, we like hearing that what we're doing is good, nice, appreciated, needed. It's normal. BUT - I don't want those accolades and praises being the REASON I do good things, right things, God things. My motives need to come from a pure heart.

2) This wise woman had the right approach. Read the passage, it'll make sense. The way she approached this dilemma was wise. She didn't demand anything, she didn't pitch a fit, she didn't throw anyone under the bus by making accusations, she didn't gossip. She simply stated that her city would cooperate and hand over the man Joab was there for. (Actually, she said they'd throw his head over the city wall - and they did. Ouch! Wouldn't want to be that guy!)

Too often we do the right thing for the wrong reason. Or we do wrong things even though we have good intentions. I am constantly reminding myself of these two truths because as we near yet another court date in L's case, with the drama always increasing, I have to reel in my emotions a bit. I have to remember that we are doing this for the right reasons, and my actions need to back that up. My heart needs to back that up. If I go on about every little dramatic detail of the case in court, I'll look like the crazy person, not them. I have to remember to keep information short and sweet and factual; little emotion in regards to what they've done or are doing, and keep the focus on what's best for L.

Court is a week away. Please continue to pray. We are just hoping that we get some confirmation and good news next week. Thanks, as always, for your support!