While part of me was absolutely disgusted, another part of me broke. My heart ached for these women who have believed satan's (and our culture's) lies hook, line, and sinker. They truly believe they were making a "smart", "responsible" or "mature" decision for their future, when in reality they were destroying a future. Perhaps not theirs alone, but also the future of a child whose voice we will never hear; who will never go to school; who will never play a sport; who will never get a chance at having a job; who will never invent new medicines; who will never become president; who will never preach the Gospel; who will never marry and have children of their own. We as a Nation have sunk so low as to not value the vulnerable lives of these precious babies in the womb - may God give us mercy. May those of us who are #shouting out against these atrocities be heard, may hearts be softened and ultimately may not only innocent lives be saved here on earth, but may souls be saved for eternity.
That being said, I'm calling on all #adoptive families to #shoutyouradoption. A friend of mine posted this idea on Instagram earlier and I LOVE it. Let's not limit this - any family who knows someone who is adopted, who wants to adopt, is in the process of adopting, has a heart for adoption……let's make #shoutyouradoption trend instead of the *other* hashtag!
So here goes my #shoutyouradoption story, the (semi-) brief version ;)
I was adopted at birth. To say I'm grateful for the gift of life my biological mother gave me is an understatement. I understand how easy it would have been to have a secret abortion - no one would ever have to know. Sadly this is the case for so many young Christian girls; they believe the lie that their parents would "kill them" because of the "embarrassment" it would cause them in their church circle of friends (aka we Christians are often times WAY too judgmental and legalistic….let's praise the young girl who chooses life because she recognizes her initial mistake and doesn't want to make a second one! But that's a whole other post…)
I am forever grateful that my birth mom chose adoption, and I am forever grateful for the parents I was blessed with through that adoption. I was raised in a Christian home, always knowing the gift and blessing of adoption - especially because we adopted my brother when I was 9 years old.
These experiences gave me a heart for adoption at a young age. I knew I eventually wanted to adopt when I got married. So, fast-forward a few years.
My husband and I got married young, and before having kids of our own we decided that I should try to find my biological mother, mainly in order to get some medical history if possible. I started way before we thought we would even try to have children because I had read a bunch of stories where it took the adoptees years to find their biological families. I found my birth mom within 5 minutes of searching. No kidding. Long story short, we connected, built a relationship, and I found out I have two half sisters. :) We still talk and see each other, and I feel extra blessed - not only was I given life, given a great family to raise me & grow up with, but also an added family as an adult. Adoption is amazing.
I include this side of my #adoptionstory because it gives me a unique insight into how my adopted child(ren) will feel about being adopted, and their possible desire to find their own biological families one day. I know it was difficult for my parents, and for many adoptive parents…and truth be told I get why it's difficult now - it'll be difficult for me too. But now I can say to my adopted child(ren) "I understand", if/when the time comes. And I can only pray that their experience is as positive as mine has been.
Fast-forward another few years and two biological children of our own later - my husband and I decide it's time to look into adoption agencies. You can read in detail how that went on this blog, in one of the first entries. We ended up becoming foster parents. Our second placement was "free and clear" for adoption when he came to us…and four short months later he was officially ours. It's been almost a year since our adoption finalization and I can say this much: Joshua is loved beyond measure. He completes our family in ways I can't even explain. He is teaching me SO much about myself and while our road has definitely NOT been an easy one, it's one I wouldn't change. I mean, if I'm being totally honest, I might change it - if I were unsaved, selfish, and not interested in becoming a better person. But I recognize that any issues we have with Josh are just mirrored images of my rebellion against God.
Adoption from foster care is usually not an easy road - it's difficult, marred with issues due to these children's experiences with trauma, abuse, neglect, and fear. But I am so thankful God brought us down this path - and I share this story in hopes that others will feel Him tugging on their hearts to follow suit. We aren't called to an easy life, we aren't called to a comfortable life. We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and take care of the orphans (and widows, to be fair).
I truly believe more people are called to foster. Adoption aside, just foster. There are SO MANY kids in foster mcare that need a loving, Christ-centered home to teach them they have HOPE and someone who will LOVE them UNCONDITIONALLY. That alone is worth it. Yes the system is screwed up. Yes, there are heartaches along the way. Yes, sometimes you'll want to throw in the towel. Yes, it's inconvenient. Yes, it's out of our comfort zone. But isn't that the whole point?? If we aren't any different than the world, how are we to show them Jesus in us?! If we aren't willing to step out (or jump!) in faith and trust that Jesus will carry us through the tough times - aren't we just being a tad bit selfish? I know this will stomp on some people's toes. But to be honest, I'm not really sorry. Someone's gotta say it. I'm passionate about this so it might as well be me. If you're feeling convicted right now, please don't assume it's because you have righteous indignation and be upset at me. Please don't make excuses and talk yourself out of this. Please assume it's the Lord tugging on your heart and begging you to at least check it out and see how you can help. Foster care & the ministry surrounding it can look many different ways. Please, I'm begging people to simply pray and ask the Lord how He might want to use you in this much-needed ministry to our most vulnerable people group. Remember, it's not enough to simply be pro-life, and anti-abortion…..we need to be pro-adoption, pro-foster care and STEP UP and DO something!
Thanks for not hating me after reading this ;)
(November 21, 2014)
#ShoutYourAdoption #Adoption #FosterCare #Ministry #DOSOMETHING #prolife #proadoption