Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Court Updates - September

((This was written back on September 9 and never posted…OOPS!))

Court update on L's case:

Unsupervised visits have been granted by the judge. Safety plan has been drafted and signed by bio parents, so as of yesterday afternoon they were informed of no more office visits with L.
(I found out this morning...because I was calling to schedule someone to pick L up from the house as hubby and I were headed to court with DS and the in-laws were home with the other 3)
They now have to inform myself and the case manager 24 hours in advance that they'd like to see her, how long, and where they will be (they still have to be in public places only). We have the right to say "no" if a particular day or time doesn't work for us. But here's what gets me: there's no "formal" or "official" standard for how many days or how long they can have her?? Seems totally weird to me, but oh well. My mantra for now is "That's not my job". ;)
So as of right now, they've "missed out" on today and tomorrow's visits because I haven't heard from anyone. Lovely. I hate feeling out of the loop. (Welcome to Foster Care, right? haha)

The better news is that we had a Judicial Review today for DS, in front of the panel (no judge). They reviewed all of the happenings since they last saw his case (back in April), were shocked at the situation he was placed in, or rather, removed from.....a family member who no longer wanted to adopt. They loved seeing him, loved hearing his improvements and stated that the adoption case plan goal date is 11/12/14, but unless we request to go back sooner, the next official court date is 2/5/15. They asked about family members requesting visitation, and seemed very supportive when his case manager said she was leaning towards not suggesting that, seeing as it was not a supportive environment before, and there's no telling if the family has gotten their lives back together or not.

So we're excited to see where this path takes us! We had a phenomenal report at the pediatrician yesterday. Healthy foster babies, no more medical tests for DS, and he's gaining weight! Praise Jesus. We're so blessed.

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