Stole this idea from my best friend, Leslyn. Read her blog here. She's awesome.
{We've been friends since, forever and she's pretty much one of my all-time favorite people, and she's a new mommy. LOVE that newborn phase, but it just gets more fun!!}
So I've been trying to find ways to keep myself blogging regularly, and this is just one of the ways I found that I think will work. 5 random things, 5 funny things, 5 foster kid related things, 5 whatever things I want to write about today.....yeah. I'm making Tuesdays "5 Things Tuesdays". Or I should say I'm going to attempt to. :)
These are just {some} of the funny things I've found myself dealing with lately:
5. My check-in badge stickers at the church nursery are taller than my 3.5 year old...
(We get one of the bottom kind, and two of the top kind PER KID....all on one long strip. I should take a picture next time! It's hilarious. The children's director told me today I should just have a fast pass. I totally agree!!)
4. People ask how you handle four kids under age four......I live by this rule:
Needless to say, our house is very RARELY quiet...especially with the three that are mobile being boys. They can get LOUD and ROUGH but it's so fun :)
3. I constantly find myself laughing at things the kids are saying/doing, such as:
DS's favorite new words are "no" and "all done" (so he can get up from his seat after eating, his least favorite thing to do)
C's favorite new saying is "No, DS, don't do that/don't hit/don't take my planes/don't push" and other ways to pretend to be the boss.
D's new favorite word is "baba" (bottle) and "MORE!" (more food. he's a tank that one)
L is just babbling, but I promise it sounds like she's saying "mama" and "dada" sometimes!
2. You know you're a foster parent (or parent of tons of kids) when you have boxes of size 1, size 2, size 3, size 4 AND size 5 diapers in the nursery....all of which are being used/almost used.
(L is in 1s but almost into 2s, DS is in 3s but almost to 4s and D is in 4s almost to 5s...)
(I found this image on google but this is fairly accurate....I'd take a pic of our stash but the babes are sleeping nobody wants to disturb THAT!)
1. I will do anything within my power to get all 4 napping at the same time. Anything! Today, I achieved it partially because we had Bible Study at church in the morning so the two middle boys skipped their regular morning nap and only took a quick cat nap in the car. SCORE! Lunch, play time and then BAM, all four zonked out at the same time. Yay!
And now all but the 3 year old are in bed and sleeping (I think!) so I'm going to get that one in bed, too, so I can have my "mommy time". Y'all have a great night! Oh, and please keep us in your prayers tomorrow at 11am. We are going to court with L and hopefully lunch with her parents after. :)
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